
Tips to expect the best always

   It's May,fresh start,new beginnings and high expectations. Who needs some motivation to start the month??? Me,me,mee and I guess you Today am sharing tips on how to expect the best always. You need to keep those goals alive!!! So this morning I came across these tips and decided to share. Tips to expect the best   You must choose to expect the best in every situation :it's a choice you have to make in every situation that the best always comes to you and that you can turn the situation to your advantage. Avoid negative talk like plague : complaining,arguing or doom predictions don't engage in them.Anything that drags down your emotions and contradicts your positive expectations. Know that your expectations will come true : when disbelief threat,push it out of your mind and affirm again that you know that your expectations will happen. I hope you challenge yourself to be motivated by these tips. What other tips you think can help,please sh

And it's a wrap....

After a successful 30 days,it's a wrap for April 2015. Now on to the next level April I will not forget you soon Chizzysignature blog celebrated 3 months,had awesome guest posts Shared emotions and entertained more blog comments Connecting is caring !!! May 2015 loading........ May you be better than April May you bring more color and blessings May your light shine brighter May your dreams come true Welcoming May with open arms How has it been for you so far?? Hope you're getting there with your expectations Wishing you all the best always Share your thoughts,love to hear from you,please drop your comments. Keep a date Monday. Love Always... Photo credit: Roll the credit

Monday Post:Oh Happy Day!!!

Happy day beautiful people!!! How is your day so far?? Hope fine. Am not just in a happy zone today. Not like I had a nightmare or something but some how I saw myself dwelling on all the things that went wrong and I kept asking why?? It's been a long time I felt this way and really this is not where I want to see myself or where I would wish to be in 'thought zone' but I can't help myself with these thoughts randomly creeping in like stubborn uninvited guests that refuse to go *sigh* HBD Chika!! Thursday last week was my bestie birthday but I forgot to holla @ her.*feeling bad* Normally I set phone reminder for the birthday of my loved ones. This fateful day my phone was off for 12hours no light for almost 2 days.  I off the phone putting it on at intervals when I need to make call.(my own way of conversing the energy) It didn't work because I missed to say happy birthday to my dearest friend or to use her pix as 'dp' for the day. Am saying a

Thursday Post:Motivation Thursday

Today I need to motivate myself. Really nothing  worthwhile is easy... It's not enough to say I want to start a blog or am a blogger,you have to prove it by constantly writing and posting. Today I just feel like relaxing,having nothing to do.. At least now I have 'a lot on my plate',juggling 'real' work (i.e paid job) and this(blogging) is not a piece of cake. But I 'gets to do it' not like am mandated, look if you don't I will sanction you. NO!! I do it(blogging) because I like it. Chizzysignature is my baby * throaty laugh * Yes, I conceived and birthed it so I will keep it no matter how demanding it is. I don't know your struggles but I know you can get through it. YES YOU CAN! Wishing you all the best. Monday is the date,hope you keep the date. Your thought is the 'icing on the cake',drop your comments love to hear from you. Love always.....

Monday Post:Mixture of events.

Happy New week lovelies,hope you had a great weekend!!! This past week has been very eventful,from the viral stories like the Orekoyas whose nanny kidnapped their 3kids,(thankfully the kids have been released and the nanny arrested) to South Africans xenophobic attack on immigrants to the strange illness in Ode Irele town of Ondo State that killed victims within 24hours. Now  down to personal events,my past week too had it's fair share  of events Thursday ,I resumed writing my own post. I also got more comments on the blog. so loving it *thumbs up to you!* I am official 2weeks in my new assignment 'offline'. Chizoba is always on the move looking for greener pasture My cousin celebrated 17years of marriage this weekend am pulling out  the drums to celebrate their union,love and commitment over the years. This  is to Chief and Lolo Nwanegbo more blessedness!!!! To you all my dear friends,love always and keep doing the good you do. All the best!!!

Thursday Post:Me and my 'jagajaga' thoughts

I have been having mad fun on the blog, sharing and connecting. Like the fun should continue *smiles* Now back to basics, I have to start writing blog posts. What’s on my mind this Thursday??? I don’t know… Have you ever experienced this kind of feeling??   Happy, relaxed, glazing sheepishly into space but not seeing anything, no object of interest or focus. Am smiling to myself as am typing this. Oh Chizoba come on get serious for once What is it you want to talk about?? Today am ‘dishing out’ my jagajaga thoughts I remember when I was like 6 years if you want to say someone does not know how to write you will say he writes jagajaga whether it’s the right word to use in this context I don’t know, all I know is that my thoughts are scattered. But not in a bad way shaa I just feel ‘gooder’ I feel something more than good so it’s gooder Wrong usage of good, just a girl having fun on the blog this Thursday What’s your thought let me hear from you, d

Monday Post:Jennifer Ehidiamen

Monday Post Meet Jennifer Ehidiamen,a passionate poet,tech savvy journalist   and communicator. You can read more about her here It’s all about connecting and sharing. Be inspired …. All the best always.

Meet Nkem Okechukwu of Homeworth

Thursday motivation meet Nkem Okechukwu of Homeworth here  am happy to share this incredible lady with you.You can also shop  her works. You can be a part of this conecting and sharing. All the best always!!! I never intended this post to be about me. I assumed Chizzy is celebrating a milestone and would want a more inspiring post or something about herself but after i got her email to guest write on her blog, i asked if she has a topic she would want me to write about, she simply said "You can talk about your blog and your work as a creative director" (hmmm such a big heart) Let me tell you how i met this amazing lady. It was here on blogsville (i think she followed me on Google and i followed back and the rest they say is history) but the truth is, it feels like i have known her since forever even though we haven't met. I admire her determination (see what she has done in 3moths), creativity and humility (it's not everyone that can go out of t

Meet Grace Liang of

 On the 1st of April , I told you I would be sharing with you the connections I have made here on Blogsville. Today am excited to share with you Grace Liang of . It's all about sharing and connecting. You too can be a part of it by sending your post to Happy Easter Monday and all the best always!!! Chizzy and I are different in very many ways but we do have one thing in common. We’re both bloggers. And we both started our blogs within a month of each other. Chizzy is celebrating her 3 rd month and soon, I will be finishing my 4 th month with I remember how anxious I was when I first started. I would post and wait for someone to notice me. I’d turn on my computer as soon as I got home from my real job and look to see if I got any comments but usually there was nothing. After several days finally there was something there! Someone out there in the world was reading what I wrote and looking at pictures

Chizzysignature blog is 3 months!!!!

Its April freshness with the raining season setting in, Easter celebration and yes chizzysignature blog is 3 months. In celebrating 3 months on the blog, am going to be sharing with you the beautiful connections I have made. It’s all about learning, networking and sharing. Am going to be letting you into their world and what they do. So sit tight, relax and enjoy!!!! Happy New month and all the best!! Love always….. Photocredit:

Time to say GOODBYE MARCH 2015

  Monday morning 09:58am I went to see someone in her office. Getting there, I was told she just stepped out. I can’t afford the stress of going and coming back later so I decided to wait for her since I needed her for some sort of assistance. The secretary directed me to waiting room; in the room are two settees, a TV, display of awards and testimonials on the shelf. Piles of books and newspapers neatly arranged. As I sat alone not knowing how long I have to wait, I decided to keep myself    company with a newspaper. I grabbed one and found out it was January 2015,I made to drop it but again I need company in the quiet room. So I decided to flip through, maybe I would see something of interest. That was when my eyes caught the inspiring story of Mrs. Anthonia Hafunjoh Okoye. A 43 years old woman with a husband, 5 young kids and a fashion business to cater for that made a first class and also graduated as the best graduating student. Two things got me in

Friday feelings.....

It’s Friday!!!! Am having this feeling, yet to figure out my blogging schedule as in which days should I be blogging. When I started in January, it was just Sundays. Then February I decided to ‘up my game’, took it to Mondays and Sundays. Somewhere along the line I dropped Sundays. Seriously am yet to get it but whatever happens I know am committed to twice a week for now. Let’s see how it goes….. Do have a restful weekend, catch me on Monday hopefully. To all my beautiful Nigerian friends please cast your vote and not stone. Stand for peace, say no to violence. Love always!!!