
Showing posts with the label Thursday motivation

From me to you with love

    Counting down the month of May. In a week and three days time May 2015 is history. Time to take stock,how far have you gone in working towards your goals?? Sometimes you're almost there and something happens and kills the moment.  What do you do ?? Hang up and abandon or keep targeting till you hit the mark? I guess like me,you keep targeting till you get . That's the spirit!! Don't ever accept defeat.Keep up the positive attitude. Your eyes on the prize!That's the way to go.Yes you can. Just keep doing your best.The result will surely come. Thanks for stopping by,hope you find the courage to keep moving forward with your goals. All my love to you and the best always. Photo credit:

Thursday Post:Motivation Thursday

Today I need to motivate myself. Really nothing  worthwhile is easy... It's not enough to say I want to start a blog or am a blogger,you have to prove it by constantly writing and posting. Today I just feel like relaxing,having nothing to do.. At least now I have 'a lot on my plate',juggling 'real' work (i.e paid job) and this(blogging) is not a piece of cake. But I 'gets to do it' not like am mandated, look if you don't I will sanction you. NO!! I do it(blogging) because I like it. Chizzysignature is my baby * throaty laugh * Yes, I conceived and birthed it so I will keep it no matter how demanding it is. I don't know your struggles but I know you can get through it. YES YOU CAN! Wishing you all the best. Monday is the date,hope you keep the date. Your thought is the 'icing on the cake',drop your comments love to hear from you. Love always.....