
Showing posts with the label blog

Thursday Reach out

Hi friends!!! It’s your girl Chizoba reaching out to you through chizzysignature blog. What’s the purpose of this reach out?? I need your help. Can’t have much fun on the blog without you. What exactly do I want from you? Dearie I need your comments. I need feedback, suggestions, let me know what you like. You know how it’s in any relationship; it’s a two –way communication. Tell me what you want to see and what you don’t want. Am here for you and committed to make things better. I love loving and reaching out. Am also ready to learn new tricks!! Yes, that’s the fun of life and living!!! Looking so forward to hear from you. Please don’t keep me waiting. Connect, drop your comments. Love Always….

March.....Ing Forward

Hurray!!!!!!!!!!! Chizzysignature blog is 2 months on 1st March. As a baby, it's going to undergo some transformation: crawl-walk-run. Meaning the site is a 'work-in-progress' therefore new changes here and there will be expected. Am so excited, thankful, grateful, humbled (lacking words ) to be doing this. There times I don't know what to write or I know what to write but how to express my thoughts will be a 'poser'. I don't even know where all this is leading to.... My staying power is 'HIS GRACE' Alleluia!!! (We’re not in church but that's how am feeling) and determination. I can't let myself down and I can't let you beautiful people that take time to read me down. I appreciate you always!!!! March-Ing forward , let's do more with those beautiful dreams. Remember it's all about you and me. Please drop your comments, like to hear from you. Send me mail, . Love always. ...

Welcome to Chizzysignature

 Happy New Year!!! Welcome to Chizzysignature, this blog is all about inspiring, educating, entertaining and encouraging you to live your dream. Three years ago, I had this idea to start a blog because I like writing. (Natural ability) But I didn't know how to go about it, meaning I didn't know what to blog, in fact I was clueless so I decided to focus more on building a stable career and luckily within that period I got my first big break with Wema Bank as a DSA. But barely three months on the job, Wema Bank decided to withdraw DSA program and upgrade it to Relationship Officers we're asked to resign and reapply. In the new selection process, I wasn't reabsorbed. I felt so heartbroken, but after a while I dusted myself and gave it another shot, this time it took me to Union Assurance as a Risk Adviser. Am not a regular blog reader but in my new place, my colleagues will be like did you read Linda Ikeji blog , Lailasblog , SDK they kept at...