
Showing posts with the label Thursday

Thursday Post:Me and my 'jagajaga' thoughts

I have been having mad fun on the blog, sharing and connecting. Like the fun should continue *smiles* Now back to basics, I have to start writing blog posts. What’s on my mind this Thursday??? I don’t know… Have you ever experienced this kind of feeling??   Happy, relaxed, glazing sheepishly into space but not seeing anything, no object of interest or focus. Am smiling to myself as am typing this. Oh Chizoba come on get serious for once What is it you want to talk about?? Today am ‘dishing out’ my jagajaga thoughts I remember when I was like 6 years if you want to say someone does not know how to write you will say he writes jagajaga whether it’s the right word to use in this context I don’t know, all I know is that my thoughts are scattered. But not in a bad way shaa I just feel ‘gooder’ I feel something more than good so it’s gooder Wrong usage of good, just a girl having fun on the blog this Thursday What’s your thought let me hear from yo...

Thursday Reach out

Hi friends!!! It’s your girl Chizoba reaching out to you through chizzysignature blog. What’s the purpose of this reach out?? I need your help. Can’t have much fun on the blog without you. What exactly do I want from you? Dearie I need your comments. I need feedback, suggestions, let me know what you like. You know how it’s in any relationship; it’s a two –way communication. Tell me what you want to see and what you don’t want. Am here for you and committed to make things better. I love loving and reaching out. Am also ready to learn new tricks!! Yes, that’s the fun of life and living!!! Looking so forward to hear from you. Please don’t keep me waiting. Connect, drop your comments. Love Always….

Throwback Thursday#my support system

Marching Forward in March!!!! How is your day going?? Hope fine... Throwback Thursday #my support system Am celebrating the lives of two special people in my life. They share this month as their birth month. I remember growing up as an only girl in a family of five. I never liked not having a sister to play with especially when the 'boys' start to play 'rough' games . No playmate, someone I can share clothes with and do all 'girly' stuff with. But now am so loving it!!! Because 'the boys' now 'men' make sure they pamper me silly. They are my greatest support system. There always there for me morally, financially. They have my back big time!!! You can imagine that I don't bother myself with physically exhausting chore. Like I don't   even on the generator set when there is no electricity. Why??? That's a chore too hard for my tender arms**winks** They don't complain though Am so blessed...

Lovin:What about Ex......

Since Monday I made a post , I have been thinking what to write next. I searched the internet for ideas. But the most trending topics this week was the 2015 Oscars. Am not much of a 'film' person and worst off I didn't watch the Oscars so how can I write on something I don't know much about? Still     scratching my brain for ideas. Thursday morning as early as 2.30am, I ran into this gif on the internet. My first reaction was 'a big laugh out loud' moment and I decided to share. My mind also raced with some questions like: What is your thought about being friends with an ex after a break up??? My answer, No one ever enters a relationship and 'jinx' it for failure. The expectation is friendship, love and happily ever after ( at least as a she, I don't know for guys) But when 'things fall apart' , it is time to 'kiss ' you good bye, wishing you the best I wish myself. I don't ' buy ' the id...