Thursday Post:Me and my 'jagajaga' thoughts
I have been having mad fun on the blog, sharing and connecting. Like the fun should continue *smiles* Now back to basics, I have to start writing blog posts. What’s on my mind this Thursday??? I don’t know… Have you ever experienced this kind of feeling?? Happy, relaxed, glazing sheepishly into space but not seeing anything, no object of interest or focus. Am smiling to myself as am typing this. Oh Chizoba come on get serious for once What is it you want to talk about?? Today am ‘dishing out’ my jagajaga thoughts I remember when I was like 6 years if you want to say someone does not know how to write you will say he writes jagajaga whether it’s the right word to use in this context I don’t know, all I know is that my thoughts are scattered. But not in a bad way shaa I just feel ‘gooder’ I feel something more than good so it’s gooder Wrong usage of good, just a girl having fun on the blog this Thursday What’s your thought let me hear from yo...