First Post 2021

Hi blogspot!
First Post of 2021, honey I didn't forget you but life  happens and sometimes you have to focus on what pays you.
I blog for the love of writing and perhaps sharing my  life experience,someone might get inspired to stay strong no matter how the odds might be against you.
You are not alone and nothing is wrong with you.
It's just life with it's many drama that you didn't actually sign up for.
After CONVID 19, life is steadily and gradually getting back to normal.
Change is inevitable.
Personally I have also caught the "change bud", I turned my hair natural during the lockdown ( will talk about the natural hair journey later),gone organic with my skin care products.
I now make my own carrot body oil.
I have changed job
But am still my good old self keeping faith and staying strong.
Today l decided to rekindle my flame for writing 
You can't wait to have it all to do any little good you can.
Old habits they say die hard so am here and now.
Cheers to greater heights!!!
Till I come again
Yours in love,


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