Sunday Blog Share#goingSpiritual

Good Morning beautiful people!!!
How was your night?
Hope restful
My SundayBlogShare on a beautiful Sunday morning,
Am going spiritual!!! #am a christian#IShareTheBeautyOfLife
It feels good to sleep and wake up
Refreshed and ready to take on a new day
There's a thousand and one reasons to be happy and be thankful for life
Just take a moment to reflect on how far you have come then you will appreciate the beauty of life 
It doesn't matter what life is throwing at you or has thrown at you
Shake it off!!
Keep your head high
It's just a passing moment
You can make it through this!!!
Don't worry
Be happpppy!!!!!!
Keep faith
The miracle of 'hard' moments is that you come out better
Wishing you the very best
Love always....
 Photocredit:big shout out to my niece Ubimma on your graduation from nursery to primary and thanks to her mum for letting me share the pix love you always


  1. Great thoughts, have a nice week ahead. Greetings!

  2. Thanks a lot Blogoratti,wishing you all the best this new week too.

  3. Congrats to lil Obimma. Have a blessed week.

  4. have a great week dear. your niece looks like you

  5. Thanks Gloria,@ Nkem people say that a lot maybe because of our eyes,got it from my mother's side of the family.


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