
Thank God it's Monday!!

Thank God it’s Monday!!! Wait, did I just say that?? Monday the beginning of the workweek is not the easiest day to love. You hardly see or hear people celebrate Monday. Even way back when I was a kid, Friday is the blast!! You can find all the trouble you want in school.   By Monday morning, ‘random’ eating, sleeping and playing will make the offended to forget what happened. As an adult it didn’t change much. Monday is dreaded like hey! So am going to start all over again for the next four days before I get a break!! The seriousness of Monday is too ‘ jimjim ’ (don’t look for that in dictionary) It can’t be easier for you even if you don’t have a job or school to go to. Monday morning no one has time for ‘ chit-chat ’ after greeting. And once everyone leaves the house, it’s like ‘ ghost town ’, drop a pin you will hear the sound. But must Monday be a downer of feelings. So what can you do to beat the I hate Monday feelings?? Connect and let’s talk

Thursday Reach out

Hi friends!!! It’s your girl Chizoba reaching out to you through chizzysignature blog. What’s the purpose of this reach out?? I need your help. Can’t have much fun on the blog without you. What exactly do I want from you? Dearie I need your comments. I need feedback, suggestions, let me know what you like. You know how it’s in any relationship; it’s a two –way communication. Tell me what you want to see and what you don’t want. Am here for you and committed to make things better. I love loving and reaching out. Am also ready to learn new tricks!! Yes, that’s the fun of life and living!!! Looking so forward to hear from you. Please don’t keep me waiting. Connect, drop your comments. Love Always….

Celebrating the strength of a woman.

The strength of a woman is not measured by the impact that all her hardships in life have had on her ; but the strength of a woman is measured by the extent of her refusal to allow those hardships to dictate her and who she becomes. C.Joybell C. (culled from Photocredit : a woman and a child March 8 International Women's Day Celebration celebrated since 1911 calling for women to celebrate their selves as well as seeking equality in the work place. I just got to know about this type of celebration for the first time this year   (all thanks to blogging and staying online) , it got me because am a woman. Also am all for women celebrating women. Why?? Because there's a lot of women doing so much in their career and also raising a wonderful family. I celebrate them for all their awesomeness, sacrifices to make the world a better place. Today I celebrate a very special lady I know (identity undisclosed). She got married like every young wom

Throwback Thursday#my support system

Marching Forward in March!!!! How is your day going?? Hope fine... Throwback Thursday #my support system Am celebrating the lives of two special people in my life. They share this month as their birth month. I remember growing up as an only girl in a family of five. I never liked not having a sister to play with especially when the 'boys' start to play 'rough' games . No playmate, someone I can share clothes with and do all 'girly' stuff with. But now am so loving it!!! Because 'the boys' now 'men' make sure they pamper me silly. They are my greatest support system. There always there for me morally, financially. They have my back big time!!! You can imagine that I don't bother myself with physically exhausting chore. Like I don't   even on the generator set when there is no electricity. Why??? That's a chore too hard for my tender arms**winks** They don't complain though Am so blessed

March.....Ing Forward

Hurray!!!!!!!!!!! Chizzysignature blog is 2 months on 1st March. As a baby, it's going to undergo some transformation: crawl-walk-run. Meaning the site is a 'work-in-progress' therefore new changes here and there will be expected. Am so excited, thankful, grateful, humbled (lacking words ) to be doing this. There times I don't know what to write or I know what to write but how to express my thoughts will be a 'poser'. I don't even know where all this is leading to.... My staying power is 'HIS GRACE' Alleluia!!! (We’re not in church but that's how am feeling) and determination. I can't let myself down and I can't let you beautiful people that take time to read me down. I appreciate you always!!!! March-Ing forward , let's do more with those beautiful dreams. Remember it's all about you and me. Please drop your comments, like to hear from you. Send me mail, . Love always.