
First post 2019

Hey blogsphere!!! This happens to be my first post for the year From me to you *welcome to 2019* and *happy new year* This year I wish you all the beautiful things I wish myself, love,peace,progress and good health to enjoy your blessings.  This year too make a commitment to be a better person than you were last year. I always hear people say good attracts good,as a Christian the word of God says what you sow is what you reap. So let's try this year to do more good not only for others but importantly for ourselves. Love always!!!

When you are surrounded by love

 It's a beautiful Wednesday morning this 5th day of December 2018

Saturday Greetings

Hello blogsphere!! It's Saturday and I felt to share with you on the blog. Am sharing love. Love is pure,no matter how you try to corrupt it,it conquers. It covers a multitude of sins. Thank God for His love in my heart. I hope you are sharing love and being good. Love always

Peace Overflow

It's a beautiful day although far spent. Something just creeped into my mind and I decided to share

Amazing Grace

Waking up to this beautiful morning and I felt the need to be on the blog to share the amazing grace of God.

Sunday Specials

It's a beautiful Sunday,just back from church and decided to share.

Happy,Happy everything!!

Hey blogsphere! Happy Happy everything!!