Goodbye May....

Photo credit: Good day beautiful people. Am signing off May on the blog,this is going to be my last post this month. May so far has been good to me,laughed more,smiled more What more can I ask??? A lot has been going on. Last week Thursday I took cloth materials I want to sew to a tailor. I want a fitted gown,eight pieces cut with off shoulder and low back but some how I felt the tailor didn't get the design so I decided to change it. Yesterday 4:58pm, I went back to her shop to change the design. After telling her what I want,she said I have to add money for the change in design. I replied her but the new design is simple nothing fancy or elaborate so why add money. She said,that for 2 days,she had no light in her shop and to sew the clothe she needs to run her generator and fuel is now 200 naira a litre(formerly 87naira a litre) I couldn't argue any further in the area I live for 4 days we had light for a little more than 2hrs and the current ...