
Showing posts from January, 2015

Hard work vs. 'Smart' work

Counting down to the end of January. It’s been an awesome one month ride!! Fresh start , getting it right, character development , identifying talents and learning skills. This is the last week of January but not the last of me. One important character of winners is persistence, they keep pressing, no quitting till they hit the mark. Hard work is persistence; it’s hard to beat a person who never gives up. I will keep, keeping on, no dulling, I can do all things. I will work smart too, meaning: I will put my mind to it; I will make sure my presentation is appealing. I will pay attention to details, no room for 'cut and join' or shabbiness. A man of excellence stands out and will always keep ahead of peers. Hard work is the first step for smart work because hard work gives the experience which enables us to think smartly on the easiest way to solve the problem. With hard work and smart work, I will achieve my New Year resolution. Let’s share views, please drop...

I have got Talent, My Skill

There some things that happen in life, when you seat back to reflect on them, you will discover that there's a reason why it happened and that all things work together for good. I remember growing up, I was never good in Mathematics or calculation even up till now, why bother with calculations when I can punch calculator 'pun pun' and get my answer. But don't try me with English Language and Reading. I like writing a lot. My writing is a natural ability though I didn't know; all I knew was that, am good in English, Government and other Arts subjects but never Math and Calculation. God is gracious that He created us with talents. Your talent is those abilities that come natural to you. They're usually in 'raw material form' just like crude oil, they need to be tapped, refined, polished ,packaged to get a finished, consumable product like petrol. It's good you discover your talent because talents are pointers to your destiny. While yo...

What is it about character?

Beautiful Sunday morning with chills from the cold harmattan wind. I woke up; my mind went to the post on My New Year Resolution#FreshStart. My honest desire is that the concerns of my heart be turned to testimony. Who doesn't want that! Fast-forwarding to the future, I started imagining how it would be like when I get my results. I felt a smile spread across my face, anyone that saw me in that mood will be wondering what in the world I was thinking of, that's making me to smile to myself. Words can’t be enough to express my feelings at that moment, as I savored my imaginary world. Reality check: No matter how sweet my day dream is, nothing good comes easy. There’s a price to pay for success. I have my goals 'penned' down but what must I do to achieve them, what are those things I did in the past that didn't work for me? What are those that worked?? This is a fresh start; I can't continue in my old ways and expect good. At least I have thi...

My New Year Resolution#FreshStart

The first week of January is always 'eventful'. Not just because of the celebrations but also the buzz to make the New Year count. You know how it is at the beginning of the year like December is so far but before you say 'hey', it's another Christmas. And you're like when did this happen??? Obviously, time waits for nobody. So how do I make this year count? What's it about New Year Resolution, do I need it??? What of the plans I made the year before that didn't work??? A lot of questions but the truth remains that a plan is necessary. Why?? No ship sets sail without destination therefore my life can't be lived without a plan. I have heard severally that, 'a plan less life is a vision less life'. Again 2015 is a fresh start that my plan didn't work last year means I should re-focus, strategist and do it better. This is another opportunity to get things right and am committed to make the change needed. Yes, it...