FIRST SUNDAY POST#HowILoveDecember!!!!

Hi fam!!!!
It’s my first Sunday Post and a new month!
It’s December baby!!!!
So happy and grateful for life
Photocredit:twitter image I saw,liked&decided to share.
What does December mean to me?????
It means  gradually but steady I have completed 11 months 
11 months I can’t wish back, time is precious…….
December means a time to focus and take stock
It’s a time to plan for the year ahead, set goals for the New Year
Now down to the fun part….
December is a time for celebration
As Christians we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ
We share love and gifts
December means holiday, 
It means eating and adding weight
December means shopping,
Here in Nigeria it means harmattan, cold nights and colder mornings….
How I love December
What does December mean to you???
Would love to hear from you, drop your comments let’s share and learn.
Till I come your way again, wishing you the  best this season
All my love!!!


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